Micro-jig Hooks: Why You Should Upgrade Yours Immediately

As you start gearing up for spring and summer micro-jig and slow-pitch fishing missions, it's crucial to consider every aspect of your setup to ensure the best results on the water. One often overlooked yet highly impactful upgrade involves the assist hooks that come with your micro-jig.

“A hook is a hook right? Surely the hook that came pre-rigged from the factory is good enough?”…

That’s not always true, and more often than not, you’ll notice immediate results when you upgrade the hooks that come with your jigs. The old saying that “you get what you pay for” is quite accurate when it comes to pre-rigged hooks on micro and slow-pitch jigs.

There’s not much to go wrong with a jig really. They’re typically made from lead that has been cast into a classic tried-and-tested shape, therefore it could be argued that the hooks and rings are where all the magic happens. It’s also where many jig manufacturers will skimp and cut corners to reduce costs.

Let's delve into why upgrading your assist hooks can be so beneficial for your catch rates and enjoyment on the water.

What Makes a Micro-Jig Hook?

Most micro-jig specific hooks have two things in common:

Size: Micro-jigs typically come equipped with some pretty small hooks, but don’t let that fool you. These hooks can be viciously sharp and robust.

Assist Cord: A key feature of a micro-jig hook is the assist cord. The assist can vary in length, but it’s function remains the same - allowing the hook to swing freely, improving the chances of it finding flesh, and reducing the chances of the fish working itself free once hooked.

Micro-Jig Means Micro Hooks

The micro-size and micro-weight of a micro-jig mean that they’re much more sensitive to the hook they’re rigged with. Therefore, you want to find a set of light-weight hooks that have the strength required for taking on larger and harder fighting fish.

Hooks that are too heavy or too big for the jig will affect the action, while hooks that are too small can potentially miss hook ups and lack the strength required for the beasty fish found swimming in New Zealand waters.

Aftermarket hooks from trusted brands will be designed with this in mind. At BKK, we understand that although these are small jigs, they can attract some large species, so using high-strength and quality materials makes total sense.

Optimized Hook Penetration

One of the standout advantages of upgraded assist hooks is the better penetration performance that comes along with it. A sharper point significantly boosts your chances of converting tentative strikes into solid hooksets.

Dedicated micro-jig hooks will usually have far superior sharpness compared to the pre-rigged options that come with many jigs.


BKK micro-jig assist hooks all feature high-quality assist cord. This is for more than convenience; it's a practical solution that ensure a secure connection between your jig and hook. The assist cord's flexibility allows your jig to exhibit its natural movement while maintaining the necessary link to the hook and avoids your fish working itself free.

Visual Attractiveness for Irresistible Strikes

Fish are naturally attracted to visual stimuli, and many micro-jig hook upgrades will capitalize on this instinct. Hooks that include a vibrant shimmer and glow fiber enhances the allure of your micro-jig.

OPTIONS for Varied Conditions

The problem with many pre-rigged hooks is that they’re treated with a one size fits all approach, so having a collection of options offers some versatility in terms of hook size, assist length, and wire gauge; catering to different line classes, drag settings, and target species. Having extra options allows you to tailor your assist hooks to match the specific conditions you encounter, increasing your adaptability on the water.


So why should you consider upgrading those pre-rigged assist hooks immediately?

  1. The pre-rigged options that come with many micro-jigs are often low quality and are rarely suitable for the fish we encounter in New Zealand waters.

  2. BKK micro-jig assist hooks are designed with strength and reliability in mind. Small hooks require extra features to remain light-weight and strong.

  3. Having a collection of after-market options allows you to change hook when required to match conditions and target species. Pre-rigged hooks are rarely one-size-fits-all.

Micro-jigs are an effective method of catching fish in the waters around New Zealand. They’re an inexpensive lure option, but because of this, the pre-rigged hooks that come with them are often ill-suited for the conditions and species we encounter. It pays not to skimp out on the component that converts bites into fights. It’s not worth the risk of a lost monster fish.

We have a large range of dedicated jigging hooks that are designed to handle the species found in New Zealand waters.


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